Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I had a meeting today with the owner of a business based in Raleigh, NC. During our conversation I shared with him that I have a blog. He asked me why I created the blog. I told him that I wanted to share with others what I have learned from those kind enough to mentor me throughout my career. I also shared with him that when I find myself passing along advice to a friend or colleague I'll try capture my thoughts and post it on my blog. Here is the link to my first blog which explains why I was inspired to create this.

As I found myself reflecting on this conversation throughout the rest of my day, it dawned on me that I have not thanked those who have helped me along the way in my blog. The purpose of this post is to do just that. I am grateful for the patience and mentoring I received from the following former colleagues - some of whom have become friends of mine.

David Wagner

Kathy Norton

Jim Simon

Virginia Meyer

Mike Noblett

Patrick Walker

Mark Novotny

I believe my career has greatly benefited from knowing each of these individuals. And as Virginia would say, thank you for being you.